If you are a prospective home buyer interested in finding out about a new neighborhood, where would you go?   Now there is a wonderful new website devoted to Jewish Port Washington: www.jewishportwashington.org.  It was created by Jessica Braginsky, a member of the local Hadassah chapter, to assist anyone curious about settling in Port Washington or Sands Point. “Because Hadassah has members from all of the local synagogues and other Jewish organizations, it’s a natural to host a website like this,” says Jessica.

The local Hadassah chapter, Sandsport/Shoshana, is 600+ members strong.  Nationally, Hadassah, the largest volunteer women’s organization in the country.  Hadassah is dedicated to the health and empowerment of women worldwide and supports medical care and research at its world class hospitals in Israel.  Janice Zeltzer, an active member of Port Washington’s Jewish community, enthusiastically endorsed www.jewishportwashington.org.  “It will become an invaluable tool for disseminating information about all things Jewish in Port!”